Foster House Club & 2728 Society
GFWC Alabama Headquarters was purchased in 1983, is named “Foster House”, and is located at 2728 Niazuma Avenue.

Key Pin with Yearly Charms
Your Support is Appreciated!
2728 Society
The Foster House address of 2728 Niazuma Avenue is the foundation for the 2728 Society, a fundraiser for the maintenance of Foster House.
Generous donations from Clubs and Members enable continued maintenance and improvements to the House.
To be part of the 2728 Society, first time contributors will receive a Key Pin and a Year Charm. Renewals will receive a current Year Charm to add to your Key Pin.
A minimum donation of $27.28 is required for each year. Of course, a larger donation is always welcomed!
This GFWC Club was organized to help renovate, maintain, and promote the use of the GFWC Alabama State Headquarters.
Members have contributed outstanding gifts of money and numerous hours of volunteer service in meeting their goals.
Membership is open to anyone interested in furthering its purposes. The Club meets three (3) times per/year and the annual Membership dues are $35.
All funds raised and contributed through the Club are used to improve and enhance Foster House to effectively serve all state Members.
Foster House may be reserved for tours, meetings, and special social occasions with the sponsorship of a GFWC Alabama Member.
Contact Us for details.